
Mila i Pablo. Part I.

Una boda de dos días. Es curioso, siempre he vivido en Barcelona y esta iba a ser mi primera boda aquí. Que se acuerden de uno ya es algo pero, que quieran que inmortalices una fecha en sus vidas es algo de lo que sentirse halagado. Llegado el momento, un "london-taxi" los acompañó hasta la misma entrada del Ayuntamiento, donde el imponente Saló de Cent iba a ser testigo de su ceremonia. Posteriormente una marea de zombies deambularon por las calles estrechas del barrio gótico buscando acabar el día endulzando sus paladares con una buena taza de chocolate en Dulcinea.


It was a wedding that was spread over 2 days. Strangely enough, despite always living in Barcelona this was set to be my first wedding here. It is so flattering when people think of you in what is to be a day that will be remembered for the rest of their lives. The moment arrived, a "London cabby" took them straight from the door of their flat to the door of the Town hall of Barcelona, where the magnificent Saló de Cent (the main Hall) stood before us as a grand witness of their wedding. After the ceremony we finished of the day with a funny zombie walk that took place in the narrow streets of the barrio gótico in a quest for a sugary treat in the form of the best mug of hot chocolate (with Churros) in the reputable Dulcinea.

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